
What A Charmer!!!

Austin's 1st Grade circus

May 2010

There was a ringleader to keep the action going...

There were silly clowns....

& muscle men (check out the hairy 'pits)...

but my favorite was a certain snake charmer....

and I think his sisters would agree with me



It's been so long since I've done a "real" post, I don't really remember how. Hopefully it's like riding a bike. But I'll ease myself back into it and do this bullet style. It makes me sad that I've been so busy that I haven't taken the time or energy to record anything. We've been having such a great summer and I hate to think that these memories will slip away and be forgotten. In the last week:
  • Austin attended basketball camp at Spring Arbor University. He played hard every day and swam in the pool after camp on Monday and Tuesday. He was so tired, he fell asleep in the van on Monday nite. He came home on Thursday as "Camp Champ" in the small boys college division (his age group) for the free throw and lightning competitions. He was also runner up in the jump shot contest and his team was runner up in the camp tournament. For the amount of money we paid for him to go, these ribbons ought to be stamped in real gold;)
  • As the wife of a auto service center owner, I never quite know what cars will be parked in my drive at nite. Last week, I drove 3 different vehicles (because Tom "loaned" our van out) but I finally have my van back. I wasn't the only one who missed it. The kids kept asking when we were getting our "blue van" back.
  • While Austin was busy at camp, the girls and I headed out to Michigan Center and helped decorate the church for VBS, which is this week. The girls had fun driving the Little Tykes cars around the empty halls while I hung up lots and lots of footprints to go with the mystery/investigation theme.
  • I took up an invitation to head over to a friend's parents' house to do some raspberry picking. Mmmmm! Fresh raspberries! In a scene similar to Blueberries for Sal, the girls ate the berries as fast as they could pick 'em. Audrey kept exclaiming, "These are just so good!"
  • When my Friday became completely unscheduled we spur~of~the~moment decided to head to Battle Creek and meet Lindsey for an afternoon at Binder Park Zoo. We had a fabulous time feeding giraffes, giggling at the monkeys, and playing in the misting sprinkler thingies. We even saw a peacock trying to get the attention of a lady friend.
  • Yesterday we spent the afternoon at my mom's friend's fabulous pool. Austin swam in the deep end all by himself (ok, with the help of a life jacket) but he's getting the hang of it!!! The girls also did swimmingly well.