
Today's Greatness

~*~ clean laundry ~*~
~*~ walk on the beach and pier at Grand Haven ~*~
~*~ Austin holding a gorgeous macaw on his arm ~*~
~*~ boursin mushroom pizza and blackberry basil lemonade at Kirby's K2 ~*~
~*~ watching my little merpeople in the hotel pool~*~
~*~ time to blog ~*~


The godly are showered with blessings.

~Proverbs 10:6


Live your life while you have it. Life is a splendid gift~

there is nothing small about it.

~Florence Nightingale


You bless the godly,

O LORD; You surround them

with your shield of love.

Psalm 5:12


The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions~ the little, soon forgotten charities of a kiss or a smile, a kind look or heartfelt compliment.

~Samuel Taylor Coleridge


Just Like A Fairy Tale

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Micah and Lindsey Moss



Wow! That Was Some Good Stuff!

This is old news, but I came across this note I had scribbled down back in October to blog, so I thought~ better late than never. The kids all had dentist appointments back at the end of September and the hygienist found 3 cavities in Lexi's teeth. Say what!?! My kids have always had perfect checkups and now my baby had not 1 but 3 cavities! I almost cried as they told me. The whole dental experience has always been a good one for the kids and I didn't want this to ruin everything. I didn't even tell the kids and when I had my own 2 cavities filled a week later I nonchalantly brushed off the whole experience (even though my mouth was numb for hours afterwards and when I did start to regain feeling my whole chin tingled with an itch that couldn't be scratched~ ugh!)
Anyways, the morning of the big day I dropped Austin and Audrey off at school and then told Lexi that we were going to see Dr. K who was going to make her smile nice and pretty. I was SO nervous. She got weighed (to determine how much meds she could handled) and then they dosed her while she was picking out a toy (pom poms to go with her cheerleader outfit). They told me to take her potty and then read to her in the waiting room while the medicine took effect. I knew that she would get loopy but when she started going rubbery and slurring her speech, it was everything I could do to not panic.
At one point, she looked up at me and slurred, "you have 'dis many eyes" and held up 3 fingers. I giggled (nervously). Then she informed me I had 2 noses. She was completely gone. My arms were aching from holding up her limp little body when they finally called us back. I got her settled in the chair and they dismissed me back to the waiting room. She came thru with flying colors but the drive home was rough.
I put her seat back because she was still somewhat incoherent and I didn't want her flopping forward as I was driving. She was coming down from her "high" and this totally irritated her. She somehow managed to get her seat back up but then it was too far forward. And that irritated her. I stopped alongside the road and got her resettled. She hadn't been allowed to eat before her procedure so I had planned to get her a yogurt parfait from McD's as a special treat. She wanted chicken nuggets. I explained you can't get nuggets at 9:30 in the morning. That irritated her. She finally decided on pancakes. We drove thru and took them home.
I had gotten her a new DVD to keep her laying low and she wanted to eat her pancakes in the living room. I told her only if I could feed them to her (sticky syrup + micro suede couch + loopy girl don't mix very well). She wanted to do it herself. I told her no. That irritated her. The smell of maple finally made her relent. She settled in against her pillows like a princess. I fork fed her.
Next time, mommy is asking for meds, too.


Like, Mooom, I'm, Like, Sooooo Embarrassed

....says my fifteen 5 year old (or at least her tone says it all). It's not like it hasn't snowed every day for the past month (slight exaggeration) but really, there's snow... and lots of it! And as I was turning the corner to pick up Austin at school the other day, the back end of my mom van swung sideways and we slip~slided 15 feet or so. As I regained control, I waved to a mom friend passing the other way. Audrey caught my wave and asked who it was that I was waving to. I told her T's mom (T just happens to be THE BOY that Audrey has had her eye on since the first day of preschool last year. She has told me several times very matter of factly that she is going to marry him someday.) "Mom!" she exclaims, "you shouldn't be driving like that!" and in her best valley girl impersonation she continues, "she's (T's mom) gonna think you, like, don't know how to driiii~ve!"
