
Birthday Girl

How can it be that my baby is ALREADY turning 6? In the crazy chaos of the move, I was afraid this milestone would be undercelebrated and not quite so special. With Tom in Dallas for the week, there's a whole other twist to Lexi's day. But we're making the best of it. Her birthday decoration is hanging from the breakfast nook chandelier; the kids had donut holes with funky birthday candles this morning; there are cupcakes cooling for her afternoon birthday treat at school; and there's some as~of~yet unplanned fun for this evening.

        (Austin's view of my belly, 2006)

On top of the 6 year celebration, our family is also rejoicing in Lexi's decision to ask Jesus into her heart. Two nights ago after family devotions she prayed this simple prayer all on her own~ "dear Jesus, please come into my heart and change my heart from black into white because I love you and I believe in you~ Amen". So simple. So sincere. So very, very precious. Mommy and Daddy's prayer for you, Lexi, as you are becoming a sweet, sensitive, silly 6 year old is to always remember how much you are loved. We love you more! God loves you most! You are so special to us, Miss J. Sparkle today and every day!

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