
Storm's A Comin'

Well, hello there, Issac. Not even a month into our new adventure and we're hunkered down waiting out this storm called Issac. Hunkered down because we have lots of new movies and books from the library down the road; and well, no one else is out so maybe they know something about hurricanes tropical storms that I, as a newbie, don't. If there's 2 things I've learned it's that hurricanes are somewhat unpredictable (making the weather forecast often changing) and that Louisiana~ins take no chances. So here we are starting our 5 day weekend on a dreary day~ lots of wind with a constant, light rain. A 5 day weekend because school was called off in light of the approaching storm for the next 2 days and then we have Labor Day to cap off our extended break. Oh, one more thing I've learned is the definition of "squalls". Yes, I had to google it after it appeared in yesterday's forecast of today's weather. Of course today's weather forecast for today includes nothing exciting like squalls just some wind and rain. Which is exactly what it's doing. For now.

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