
Dentists & X-Rays, Doctors & Pokes

Yesterday I took Austin and Audrey to the dentist for their check up. It had been a whole year since their last visit. At that time, Audrey was barely 2 1/2 so she had only done a "lap visit" where she sat on my lap and the hygienist kinda poked around for her to simply get used to the whole concept. I happened to catch her at a bad moment when I casually mentioned that she would be going to the dentist this week and her diva mode kicked in. Being Mr. Big Brother, Austin also informed her that she might be getting a shot. Thank you, Austin. I shrugged it off knowing (hoping) that when we got there she'd get caught up in the "excitement" and everything would be fine. And sure enough it was. We go to a great pediatric dentist in town so they really cater to the kids~ goody bags with toothbrushes, toothpaste, mini floss, stickers, and a special prize from the treasure chest after their cleanings.
Audrey settled in to her chair and as the hygienist raised it up and tilted it backwards her whole face lit up like she was on a thrill ride at the fair. Austin was ushered into his own room and when I peeked in on him later he was sitting there with those horrible foam mouth trays full of fluoride with the sucker tube stuck between them. They always made me gag but he was sitting there like a champ. Neither of the kids had cavities (big sigh of relief)! Ok, quick mommy confession. When I'm doing bedtime with the kids, if I'm super tired or my patience is short or one of the kids is melting down tooth brushing is the first thing we skip. I was honestly expecting and dreading to hear the c-word from the dentist. For whatever reason brushing teeth is the most dreaded part of the nite time routine for me to do with them. It couldn't possibly be because they're fighting over who gets to stand on the stool first, and splashing water and getting their jammies wet and Lexi REFUSES to let me help her. I don't know. Anyways, the kids are cavity free and slacker mom is more resolved to do better now.
Today we took Lexi in for her 2 year check up. For being so mellow and laid back all the time, she is quite the little drama queen in the doctor's office. Cried when I had to take her "pitty dess" (pretty dress) off. Cried on the scale (what girl wouldn't?) Cried on the exam table. Cried in my arms. But overall, a clean bill of health. She's still long and lean. The 25th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for height. Everyone got stickers and gum and then it was off to O' Donalds for breakfast where Austin wanted "cheese and egg on his hamburger". Any guess to what he wanted? An egg McMuffin. I love the way kids think!

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