
One Tired Momma

Last nite I started working third shift. I do bulk foods every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and it occurred to me awhile back that maybe it didn't matter when I got my work done (because this is a one person job) as long as it just got done. So I tossed out the idea to my boss for me to come in at 10 on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. My reasoning is that I'll have the evenings with the kids and Tom can focus on his schoolwork. (Hopefully) I'll be able to establish a consistent bedtime routine and have them snugly tucked into bed and snoozing before I head to work. I miss out on sleep, but they're not missing out on "mommy time". Plus, Austin is starting school in 2 weeks and I have got to get him on an earlier to bed/ earlier to rise sleep schedule.
My biggest worry is getting up to 3 kids (and having to get one to school on time) after only getting 3 1/2 hours of sleep. I'm a nite owl and really don't start to feel like I'm fully functioning until about 10am and 2 cups of coffee. To reassure myself that 2 late nites a week is really no big deal I keep telling myself that sleep is highly overrated. We'll see if this bit of psychology really works.
So last nite was my first try and I really liked it. Audrey spent the nite with her cousin Katy at grandma h's so having only 2 to put down helped ease the transition some. I figured I needed to start bedtime by 7:15 to have them ready for lights out by 9. We did bathtime, jammies, snacks, teeth brushing, and books and I put them to bed. That gave me a half hour to clean up the kitchen and the living room so my house was ready for the next day, too- bonus!!! The only negative was that the kids weren't sleeping before I left but I think within a couple of weeks they'll get used to the earlier bedtime and start nodding off sooner. It was funny because I hadn't told the kids about my new schedule so when I went in to tell Austin goodnite and I was dressed in my uniform, he was a bit confused.
AJ: are you gonna sleep in that?
me: no, I'm going to work.
AJ: are you going to sleep at work?
me: no, I'm going to work at work. I'm going to work while you're sleeping and I'll be home before you wake up in the morning.
AJ: oh, so you're going to be nocturnal. (He loves using that word.)
I headed off to work, but not before stopping to get my caffeine fix at McD's. I was a little unsure about working 3rd because I see the people on that shift punching in as I'm usually punching out. It takes a "special" person to work this shift and, let me tell you, the group I see isn't exactly the friendliest bunch. I needn't have worried. There is no 3rd shift for produce/bakery/deli so I was the only soul around. Every once in a while I'd see a straggling shopper go thru. I assisted one customer at the beginning of the nite and then worked completely uninterrupted. I felt like I got a lot accomplished and it was nice to have a renewed focus on my tasks. Hah!- listen to me talk like stocking bulk food bins is a highly important job!
Austin and Lexi both woke up around 8:45 and I conned them in to letting me have another 15 minutes before I had to get up. Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to do and I'm looking forward to doing it again on Thursday nite. I'm sure I'm in the honeymoon phase but hopefully by the time the love wears thin it'll be a habit I've adjusted to.
The rest of the day went well but then I gave in to temptation and invited Cinderella to babysit the girls while Austin played cars. With their attention diverted, I crashed on the living room floor and woke up to find both Lexi and Audrey snoozing. That is the biggest no-no in Hosmerville right now: do NOT let the girls take a nap because if you do you will pay for it in the form of an overly long, drawn out, I'm-not-tired-so-I-can't-fall-asleep marathon bedtime. Next time I'll remind myself that sleep is overrated but the refreshing nap was worth the later/longer bedtime tonite.


Julie said...

Wow, you are superwoman! Sleep is the absolute last thing that I would want to sacrifice. I'm addicted to sleep and cannot imagine going without and then having to take care of kids. I think I would be probably be the grouchiest mom ever. Go Maria for sacrificing sleep just so your kids aren't without you. Like I said, you are superwoman!

Nicole said...

I agree... you're superwoman! Good luck keeping with the 3rd shift. I hope you're able to keep it up and that it works out great for your family! It sounds like it is a perfect fit (minus you losing sleep two nights a week!)