
It's A God Thing

This month has been ridiculously hard, financially speaking. It's the first month we have been supporting house (in Michigan) and home (in Louisiana). From the beginning, the numbers didn't add up. And it's been scary.

I looked at our monthly budget and the needs of my family. And they didn't add up. I'm not talking a dollar here, 10 bucks there, tweak, twist, turn and.... voila! the budget is balanced. Nope, not even close. From my human perspective, meeting the most basic needs of my family without going into debt looked impossible. I was going to need a God~sized miracle to get through the month and stay "in the black". 

I said, "Well, there's this need...". And God said, "Done." I said, "... and there's Austin's birthday, I'd like to make it special". And God said, "Provided for". And I said, "But what about....?".  And God said, "Trust Me".

And I am only sharing something so personal because I HAVE to testify, I HAVE to give thanks, I HAVE to proclaim God's goodness and faithfulness. Because, you see, it's only the 22nd of the month, yet God has provided so abundantly that ALL of my family's needs (and some wants) have been met NOT ONLY for the month of February BUT ALSO for the month of March!!! 

Jaw dropping. Head shaking amazement. Speechless (almost;).

Can I get a "Hallelujah! Praise God! Amen! Amen! AMEN!!!"?

"Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full- pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap..." Luke 6:38

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