
Put A Lock On It

I'm pretty sure I know why all those antique wardrobes and armoires had those pretty locks on their doors and drawers. It must've been women who owned these pieces of furniture. And these women must've had daughters. 

I was rushing out the door the other day and went to grab my Old Navy zip up jacket. It's gray, multi~colored flower pattern goes with just about anything when I'm going for the "sporty" look. 

I searched the laundry room (spot #1 for outerwear I am currently rotating through). Nope. Nada. 

I dashed to the hall closet (spot #2 for outerwear when I have enough ambition to actually hang it back up after wearing). Nope. Nada. 

I didn't have time to look further so I grabbed a different jacket and ran out the door. 

Several days later, me and my crew were headed out, yet again, and I glanced up to see Audrey walk through the kitchen with MY Old Navy jacket on! I said, "I've been looking everywhere for that jacket!" She replied casually, "Oh, I've had it in my room."

 And so it begins.

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