
Road Trip

With the promise of salt water taffy and all things sugar, Tom and I managed to lure the kids out of the house for a quick road trip to Jefferson, TX. We checked out a few antique stores before making our way to the Jefferson General Store. The kids were like kids in a candy store. Literally. We browsed for a bit with the kids in awe over candy cigarettes (with the boxes saying "just like dad!"), the enormous jaw breakers, and the bacon flavored everything. We bought ice cream cones from the counter and then huddled under the awning while waiting for a brief thunder shower to pass. 

Our impromptu trip into Texas was ill~timed as all the other little shops along the main streets of Jefferson had shut down while we were wandering around in the general store. With the three kids crammed in the back of the Challenger and all of them claiming boredness and starvation, the Mean Parents, aka Tom and I, thought it would be the perfect time to extend our road trip and check out Carthage. Shortly after we moved to Shreveport, I rented had rented "Bernie" from Redbox. It was only after Tom and I started watching it did we realize that the movie was based on a true story out of Carthage, TX.  After a quick drive around the historic town square, it was evident that downtown Carthage was not the place to be on a Saturday nite. Alas, our excursion yielded no Jack Black or Matthew McConaughey sightings either.

With the A Team threatening eminent demise if they didn't eat Right.That.Very.Minute. we grabbed a table at the Jalapeno Tree. The complimentary chips and salsa and serve~yourself soft serve ice cream would've been good enough for me, but my kids wanted "real food" (as opposed to fake? I dunno.). The food was some of the best Mexican I've ever had. But I gotta admit, the pictures Tom snapped with his phone while we were waiting for our table are even better. Fun times in East Texas, for sure!

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