
Summer Survival

Summer break is 6.5 school days away. But who's counting? I have been pulling together summer activities, events, and schedules in an attempt to organize the highly anticipated upcoming summer season.

Summer in Louisiana will be new to us. Well, mostly. We rolled into town mid~August last year and got a taste of a high humidity/high heat Louisiana summer. Or maybe that was just the sweat pouring down our faces. Whatever.

At any rate, my summer mission is "keep~the~kids~busy~yet~cool~so~we~don't~veg~in~front~of~the~tv/ Ipad~all~summer~long~all~while~staying~within~strict~budget~confinements". Missions this big and cost sensitive require intense planning and preparation. And this mom is determined that all of the "2013 Hosmerville Summer Fun" not break the piggy bank. Lucky me, tuition down South is paid in 10 monthly installments so I have 2 months' worth of tuition money to work with. Some mom at the school must've realized that not having to pay tuition over the summer months equaled more money in the budget to spend on summer fun. Smart mom. 

Looking at the vast offering of summer camps (art, drama, music, dance, sports, barrel racing and calf roping~ whaaaaa?!?!) I quickly realized that even with 2 months of tuition funds to work with, my kids would be home bound, or at least not camp bound, for the entire summer. *sigh* Time to get creative. *SIGH*

Who am I kidding??? Creative to me is defined as "get~on~Pinterest~ASAP" and "when~all~else~fails~give~a~shout~out~to~all~your~facebook~mom~peeps~and~beg~for~ideas".

So, after much googling and link clicking and pinterest browsing, and facebook soliciting, I have pulled together a "game plan" for the entire 76 days of summer break. From "school gets out" to "school begins".

For the first time in, like, forever the certified teacher in me has taken over and I have written my days out in a loose lesson plan style (no objectives {unless I could throw in a generic "the student Hosmers WILL have fun}, no transitions, no evaluations.... it is summer after all;) And I am so confident stupid that all projects, activities, and events will be executed perfectly according to schedule that I wrote my plans in ink.

Here's to the start of a really great summer 2013!

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