
Summer 2k15~ Day 9

How lucky were we that the day we had tickets to the Tigers' game was the same day Hudsonville was scheduled to serve Tiger Traxx outside the stadium?

We headed downtown & met up with our 2 favorite scoopers & had some delicious ice cream before game time. Yum!

I'm convinced that~ after multiple trips to the bathroom & time spent waiting in concessions lines, not to mention the people constantly climbing over you to get in & out of the aisle, plus the dude 5 rows in front of you that chucks his beer at somebody walking by then promptly gets himself a personal escort out of the stadium~ no one is actually there to watch the game. But it's the atmosphere & experience that draws us in. 

Plus, it's a good excuse to shell out $27/ticket to take a selfie. 'Cuz what's the point in going to the game & cheering on your team if you're not gonna document your experience?

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