

  • struggling to keep up on the house~ every time I accomplish 1 thing I turn around to see 2 more things that need to be done.
  • struggling to get thru with the landscaping project~ I've planted some perennials out front but the sides of the house that are completely overgrown and I so desperately wanted to get done remain undone. And they may just stay that way.
  • struggling to figure out my new camera~specifically the creative settings and getting the photos onto the computer to share thru the blog and facebook.
  • struggling with the thought of my baby turning 3 this next month. I'm missing the snuggly, chubby cheeked babe that has been replaced with this lanky little girl with beautiful slightly curled blonde hair.
  • struggling with my 4 year old's diva attitude. I actually told her today that when the police ask her why she's done something even when she knows it's wrong, she's still gonna go to jail when she replies "because I wanted to". Then we had a long discussion about what you can and can't do in jail. I think I finally got her attention when I told her you can't go shopping when you're in jail. Nothing like a bit of healthy fear to help keep her straight;)
  • struggling with the fact that my oldest baby will be a 1st grader this fall, gone for whole days.
  • struggling with the realization that it will be August at the end of the week. Only a month left of summer and not enough time or money to do everything I wanted to do with the kids.
  • struggling with relationships. Relationships I desperately want, desperately need. But it's alot like gardening, let 'em go too long and the weeds take over and suffocate out all the good. Can I ever get them back to where they need to be?
  • struggling to find the time to just be me~ to run, to scrapbook, to find a good book, to enjoy girl time.

Struggling, but moving forward.

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