
Double Pool Dippin'

Today was one of those amazing and fantastic days. You know the kind? The ones where almost everything goes right and there's so much to look forward to you're almost giddy. Yeah, that kind of day!
  • I had fun emails from great people in my inbox.
  • I got Tim Horton's to go for myself, my kiddos, SIL, and her sweeties for a playdate in the park.
  • the playdate went well. We pulled into the park at exactly 10am. I felt like I deserved a mommy raise for that but settled for high fives all around. No major catastrophes on the playground, lots of Tim Bits to keep the kids' sugar high running strong.
  • a new razor in the shower to get my legs "pool ready".
  • a pool date with one of my bestest girls and her kids. Sunshine and warm water. Contraband crackers and frozen blueberries to snack on.
  • a second 2 hour & 45 minute swim session because my kids were sooo good. Sooo why not?
  • 2 very brave kids 1 brave little girl and her scaredy cat big brother (who sent brave little sister down first) conquering the big, blue slide.
  • my littlest mermaid continually jumping completely under water~ head and all~ only to come up gasping for air and wanting to do it again (and again, and again, ....)!
  • silence on the ride home as my kids devoured their McD's dinners. All plans to cook dinner at home went down the pool drain when hunger pains overrode the ability to think rationally and practically.
  • all 3 kids tucked in and asleep by 9:30.
  • best $12 (pool admission) I've spent in a long time.


Anonymous said...

nicccceeeee. what a day! I am going to be another mermaid on tuesday, I am SO excited haha. Ps, the picture of Austin striking a jordan pose on your blog (as well as bubba's video of the trampoline dunk) literally made me laugh out loud. SO cute. PSS glad I could be one of many to brighten your inbox :)

Me said...

Love those days! So glad it went awesome for you!