
The 12 Days of Christmas... Austin's Version

I was going thru Austin's reading journal for the month of December and came across this. He has learned how to read and write phonetically and now that he's learning words that don't spell like they sound he has been struggling. It's been a work in progress so when I found this I was so proud of how far he's progressed. It seems as if he has some pretty big expectations and now Santa is frantically scrambling to fill some of the order. (I'll tell you RIGHT now there is no way, Never EVER he's gonna get #1;) Unless, of course, baby Jesus wasn't the only Christmas miracle.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me twelve vikings Jrseys

On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me eleven Ds i

... 10 gluv's (gloves... smart kid~ he'd have 5 sets;)

9 Christmas presint's

8 hot weels

7 gold medl (gold medals)

6 feet of snowe

5 buy cusin's (boy cousins... on the Collins side of the family it's girls, girls, girls!)

4 ice creem cons

3 cor's (cars)

2 mor webciz (2 more webkinz)

and babee brother!

My spell check is going nuts! Love this kid!=)


Kristin said...

Awww...so cute!:)

Mandy said...

1. I could tell what he's saying without the translation, having a child just a little older than him who wrote the same way last year.

2. Hilarious. I just love kids. But if he gets his 6 feet of snow I'm going to cry.

3. So when does he get that baby brother, mom? ;-)