
The Long Haul

It's official... we are credit card debt free! Thank you, federal tax return!!! I just scheduled our online payment and to hit the "pay account balance" option was, for me, a monumental moment I've been waiting 6 whole years to do. It almost hasn't sunk in... no more credit card debt... no more monthly statements... no more wasted money on interest and finance charges. Whew!
It was never meant to be this way. How many times did we hear "don't put more on your card than you can afford to pay", or "always pay your balance every month". And we were always so good about our finances. But then life crept in. A new/old house to remodel, an air conditioner on the fritz, closing costs for a home refinance, romantic dinners out fast food runs, and stuff we just HAD TO HAVE NOW! We bought into the instant gratification mind set, never intending to accumulate so much debt, always intending to pay the balance off in full after only a year (that was 5 years ago). And then, well, I lost my job (twice), the economy took a downturn, the cost of living increased, we had 2 more kids... etc., etc., etc. and the balance grew and grew.
So, what have I learned from all of this? My plans are sometimes not God's plans. And perhaps if I had been a better steward of the money and resources He had entrusted to me in the first place, He may not have needed to take these last 6 years to teach me such a valuable lesson. But through it all, no matter what the circumstance or need, He has always been faithful in His blessings and provisions. Not once has He failed us (and He tells me He never will;)
That's not to say that in a month or two some major life expense won't pop up and throw us back into debt. It just means that for now, we've purposed to live within our means so that our financial situation doesn't dictate what we can and can't enjoy. It's simply another step toward complete financial freedom that we're working towards.
I think we'll celebrate with dinner out;)


Leslie Collins said...

Way to go, Hosmers! :) You def. deserve a nice meal out.

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

Thats awesome! we are almost there ourselves!!