

I think I've got a bad case of blahness. I haven't ran for a week, the laundry's piling up, I have a to-do-list a mile long and I am sooooo unmotivated. All I want to do after I put the kids to bed is sit and read the paper, a magazine, blogs, a book, anything. I tell myself I'll go to bed early and get up and catch up on life before the kids get up. Then my alarm goes off and I hit the snooze for 2 hours. I cannot get my butt out of bed in the morning for anything! As much as I want to be, I am SO NOT a morning person.
I'm hoping this weekend will pull me out of my slump. I'm doing a The Body Shop pampering session for a women's sleepover at my MIL's church on Friday nite, I have a special girls' nite out planned for Saturday nite with my bestest friends from high school (nothing like a good dessert to cheer me up=), and I think I might possibly get to slip away for the whole afternoon on Sunday and scrapbook with some moms from my play group- yay!!!
Don't get me wrong, I've had a really good week with the kids and the house is relatively clean and in order. Heck, we even decorated for Valentines on Monday. But still just feeling blah. Can someone slip me some pep in a bottle, please?


lina said...

It has got to be the weather! After that unseasonably beautiful weather we had I had a small case of the blahs, so I decided to treat myself to a small moderate tanning package & a nice little bunch of flowers. I just go a few minutes once once a week for some artificial happiness. It helped a little!
Hope your weekend is the pick-me-up you need :)

Me said...

I hear ya. It's that time of year. Hopefully spring gets here soon!