
The End Of An Era

... the baby era in Hosmerville, that is (at least we hope so;) Yup, it's official, Lexi is now tucked into her "big girl bed" for the second nite in a row. Goodbye crib!
I was able to get a real deal on the bed, thanks to my cuz Julie. She had heard I was looking for one and sent me a link to Jackson Swap Shop. I bought the bed for $10 off a guy named Cisco (yes, he did have a shaved head and tattoos) who delivered it to my door pronto. Nice guy, really, but that's a whole 'nother story in itself. But anyways, yesterday was the big day. The kids helped me put it together and we attempted to move the crib out. Unfortunately, the crib was too wide to fit thru the doorway so we had to squeeze around it all day until Tom could get home and dismantle it for us. Now it's sitting in my living room awaiting its fate in the BIG sale this weekend. (Yes, the garage sale that I was supposed to have, oh, 5 or 6 weeks ago.)
So Lexi is seeming to transition from her crib to toddler bed like a champ. She's fussed a little both nites at bedtime and gets attitude when I've tried to tuck her in (refusing her blanket and books). But she STAYS IN HER ROOM!!! She actually knocked on her bedroom door tonite and sat on the inside crying ~*heartbreaking*~ but so far she hasn't left her room and finds her way back to bed to fall asleep. Here's hoping this isn't the honeymoon phase.


Leslie Collins said...

What a big girl! Way to go, Lexi.

I hope your reunion was nice. I am sure you looked gorgeous in your dress!

Talk to you later. Hope you are having a good week.

Nicole said...

Yay Lexi! Here's hoping its not a honeymoon phase.