
A Rant Post

So let me start from the beginning. A couple of months ago some of my bestest friends from high school and I decided to plan our 10 year reunion. We figured no one else was taking the initiative so we might as well and then we'd know it was getting done right. Ang called around, got some info and prices. We decided on Daryl's Downtown. Super good food, cool atmosphere and as an extra bonus~ no room charge, so there would be less expense.
Four of us each chipped in $25 and Ang and I headed to Daryl's to reserve the room and meet with the event planner to discuss the menu. Believe me, we double, even triple-checked with the planner to make sure our $100 deposit was in fact going to be put towards our final food bill for the reunion. We double, even triple-checked menu options and prices with her because we wanted to make sure no one got screwed with the final bill.
As a committee, we decided on the beef sirloin (from the $22 menu) and the stuffed chicken (from the $28 menu) because we had been told that Daryl's would price each meal (which included both a portion of the beef and chicken) as $25/person, which with tax and 20% gratuity made the grand total for each person attending approximately$31. We decided to play it safe and charge each person attending $32, so that we would have a little extra to cover additional expenses- invites, etc. Let me remind you, there was no room charge or we would have added a couple of dollars to each meal to help cover that as well. Because I was the senior class treasurer I volunteered/ was elected to collect all of the monies and pay the final bill for the evening. Several days before the reunion, I called the event planner to confirm our menu choices and give her our final count. (And, may I point out, received no objections from her.)
Fast forward to 2 Fridays ago, July 11th, the nite of the class reunion. Everything was wonderful. The food was delicious. The servers were attentive and courteous. Things were running smoothly. Then I received the bill. Problem #1: a $100 room charge. Problem #2: $28/meal charge (roughly making each meal $35 with tax and gratuity). Equaling $202.06 in extra, unexpected, surprise charges. I talked to the manager that evening, who of course couldn't do anything because he was just going by what he had been told. I had no choice but to pay. The whole bill. But I was assured that if I called the next day and talked to the event planner, then she would fix everything and make it right. I called the next day. No answer. I then called Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday leaving messages and talking to NO ONE. Ang then called and was able to talk to Daryl who assured her that if I were to call the next day at 10:30 said event planner would be available to take my call and work things out. I called. At 10:30. Event planner was unavailable. Hmmm, there's a big surprise. Was referred to person #3. Finally a real person to talk to. Told him my story. Said he would talk to Daryl and get back with me. Called back later in the day. Starts off by saying how he's really sorry that this happened (and basically implying that I am screwed). I again restate the issues. All of a sudden he "understands", says he'll talk to Daryl and get back with me. That was last Thursday.
This is now Wednesday, almost 2 weeks after the reunion. Still haven't heard anything. Call and leave a message for person #3. Return home from work tonite to hear a message from Daryl himself. I call right away and catch him as he's going out the door. I feel like telling him, "uh, sir, you could be "going" in the crapper for all I care, please resolve my issues, thank you very much." I have a 20 minute calm, but tense conversation with him in which he pretty much:
  • told me he has to make a living. I almost gag at the though of poor Daryl struggling to make a living as his restaurant prices its meals well into the luxury range. Instead, I point out that our husbands entertained themselves at the bar all evening. Probably more than enough to make up for his restaurant's little mistake with our bill.
  • covered for his crappy employees, because bottom line is- his employees messed up and I'm stuck paying for their mistakes. He kept telling me that they never serve entrees from 2 different menus for one price. I don't care if they never do, fact is, they DID and no one said otherwise until they tried to stick us with the higher priced bill. He also kept mentioning that they usually charge $600 for the use of the room we had and he was actually giving us a break by only charging us $100. Except we were never told that the $100 deposit was a room charge and not a credit toward the meals.
  • insisted that he delivered what was promised (i.e., meals and service) so how should I possibly feel like I should be refunded any money? I tell him that it's almost 2 weeks after the fact and I'm just now being able to get this resolved because his employees who give such "great service" don't know how to return a message when a problem arises.
  • mentioned several times that "my friend" (Angie) knew about the room charge and that our stories are a little mixed up. I offer to come down to the restaurant with Angie so that we can sit and chat with Daryl and his event planner as one big happy family and get things resolved once and for all, no he said, she said. He didn't want to do that.
  • He finally offers to refund our room charge ($100). I tell him it's a start. I'm tempted to tell him a couple of other things and I really, REALLY want to say, "I'll have my lawyer call you" but I guess that can wait until after I get the money.

So shame on me! It never occurred to me to get a contract spelling out the charges for the evening. It should have. Lesson learned. I also never asked for final $ numbers when I called with final menu plans and count. I should have. Lesson learned again. But bigger shame on you, Daryl! If you were an honest, respectable businessman (which I thought you were) you would use your common sense, figure out we're not trying to cheat you out of a lousy $200, apologize for the time it's taken to get things settled and then graciously refund me the full $202.06.

Alas, I have to settle for his $100 offer. (I don't want to press him any more and have him get so ticked he changes his mind and I don't get anything.) So tomorrow Tom will stop by and pick up my money from the hostess stand. And it better not be on gift cards.


Nicole said...

Oooh how ridiculous! Make sure and have Tom mention to him (once the $$ is in his hands, of course) that his wife has a blog and lots of Jackson readers and she's documenting this "incident" on the blog! If I were you, I'd call back and bug him for the final $102 after he gives you the "room deposit" back. I can't believe how skewed their stories are!

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

What a bummer! I wouldn't stop giving up and mention that you may report it to the Better Business Bureau. Not sure if people still read that, but maybe let them know that you'll be writing in different restaurant review websites as well. They make so much money, I wouldn't give up on getting the remainder of it for sure! If no give, I guess I would see if those other that helped in the beginning can help pitch back in to you.

Leslie Collins said...

Oh, wow. Sorry to hear that. I guess it was a long night in more ways than one, huh?!

See you tomorrow!

Julie said...

Wow, what a crappy story. That really stinks. And I agree with the others, I don't think you should give up on getting the rest of the money! Especially since it came out of your pocket! I mean, it's not like you have a bunch of extra cash lying around just in case someone screws you!