
The Garage Sale That Wasn't, The Garage Sale That Wasn't, The Garage...

Seriously, am I beginning to sound like a broken record here? I thought this was MY weekend to get the dang thing done and over. For my husband to reclaim his man's room. For me to reclaim the sanity that comes with a neat and organized house. But for the 7th weekend in a row, it just wasn't meant to be. Perhaps I should have thrown in the towel when the paper arrived today sans the ad I shelled out $45 for (the ad that was supposed to be there). But, no, I stubbornly pressed ahead making signs for all of the intersections in a 3 mile radius of our home in hopes to bring the masses in (ok, so 3 miles is a little exaggeration).

Nope, the deal breaker came as I finally got the kids tucked into bed and headed out to do some serious set-up. My mom was on her way, Tom was cooperating (for once), and we had the whole nite ahead of us. When suddenly I thought I saw lightning. At first I brushed the thought away, but as I was talking to God about my plans for the sale, He responded with a bigger, more obvious lightning show. So I'm no dummy (just stubborn and hard headed). Tom helped me move everything back into the garage and we shut the door as the first big drops of rain started plopping down.
Even though tomorrow is supposed to be clear, I cannot set up in a hour, or even 2, and the weatherchannel.com is showing rain through 6am. I work tomorrow nite, so I won't have the time or energy to get ready for a Friday/Saturday sale. And it's too late to call the paper and have them run my ad for Thursday's paper (I feel like I really need an ad to make my sale really worth while). So this whole garage sale idea for this weekend is a wash. Literally.

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