
Little Mermaids

Leslie and I took the kids to Nixon pool tonite. Leslie met me at my house with iced coffees and we attempted to relax and have a grown up conversation for a couple of minutes while the kids snacked. No such luck. You'd think they were completely attention deprived the way they all clamored around. By the time we left the house, Audrey was in meltdown mode because I *gasp* wanted her to wear a brand new swimsuit as opposed to her old ratty one. I was already feeling rather ghetto as I was resigned to wiggle and jiggle in my bikini (no time to buy anything more "mommy" appropriate) so I thought at least my kids could look nice. Audrey disagreed. Seriously, sometimes I question my sanity. But I finally had all three kids strapped in and ready to go.
We made it to the pool, loudly announcing our arrival in the echo-y locker room, and then all was well. I constantly counted 1-2-3 all evening but still managed to chat with Leslie. Austin eventually became brave enough to conquer the polar bear slide on his own. He's such a little chicken, so I was really impressed when I saw him go down without me even being around for moral support. I can't believe it's already the end of July and we're only just now getting to the pool for the first time. Fair week is coming up and admission is only $2/swimmer so I'm going to try to get the kids there a couple of times that week. Hopefully they'll sleep good tonite!


LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

Glad you got to go out to the pool! We've only been out once! And does it close after the fair is gone? IF so, we might not be making it out there again since we'll be in Texas next 1.5 weeks.

Leslie Collins said...

Yes, we definitely made our appearance known, didn't we?! I had a lot of fun, despite my child having countless dirty diapers and being rather naughty! :) She slept very well last night. Did your's? We will have to go again, soon.