
Not Me Monday: Bathroom Secrets

  • In an effort to spare my carpet a parade of dirty, sunscreened, sand~boxy children, you would have never, EVER heard me tell them to be discreet and find a bush when they announce that they have to go potty while playing outside.
  • This has never backfired on me and I have not ever caught my now 4 year old daughter, stripped down naked, relieving herself out in the open front lawn.
  • I have absolutely not been so impressed with my offsprings, umm, bathroom successes that I have not called my husband in to get a look and/or take pictures of the, umm, accomplishments. Said accomplishments would not be so long that they would actually wrap around the toilet and leave me wondering how something so tiny could make something so big.
  • I wouldn't even dream of giving my son permission to relieve himself in a KFC cup while stuck in the van during an overly long, drawn out day of errands. I had not made him hold it for so long that he more than halfway filled the 20 oz. cup. He was not so duly impressed that he didn't ask to save it to show his sisters when they woke up. I absolutely did not agree, so I did not have a cup of urine sloshing around in my cup holder for the rest of the trip around town.

What about you? What have you not done this week?

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