

Boring post!!! (Just something for the kids to read and remember in a couple of years)
Wow!!! I blinked and all of a sudden it's the middle of April! Last week the real craziness began. Thursday nite my girls got their butts whipped by Vandercook and Springport. The bright spot was my high jumper's performance. What started as a team of 11 has slowly dwindled with injuries and lack of commitment to a team of 6. Short and simple... 6 girls cannot hold their own against a team of 30 or 40. I didn't want this to be a track post so I'll stop before I really get started.

Friday I worked all day. Something I haven't done on a Friday since August. Saturday Austin had a b~ball game (2pts., 3 rebounds, 1 assist) and the girls went with my MIL to an egg hunt. Audrey scored an unbelievably huge basket full of all sorts of goodies. I worked all day... again. I kept reminding myself to just get thru the day and then I had all of Sunday to enjoy. Note to shoppers: do NOT wait until the day before a holiday to do all of your shopping and then get ticked at me (who has no control over stock) when your french fried onions are gone and there's no more jelly beans. Plan ahead, people!

We celebrated Easter with breakfast at church before the services. We met up with my Hrebec side of the family for lunch at my aunt and uncle's new home. The food was good, the company was great. There is quite an age difference between me (the oldest) and the next cousin, so some of my cousins are only a few years older than my kids. My uncle took all of the "kids" out to the backyard for an exciting game of kickball. We had cupcakes for another aunt's birthday and then the kids did an egg hunt. *Sidenote~ Audrey recently found an old harmonica at my in~laws which she has since brought home and "plays" music on it. As we started to sing Happy Birthday to my aunt, my grandpa pulled out his harmonica and played along. I watched Audrey's mouth drop open in awe, her eyes never moving from his face. Now she's ready to take some serious harmonica lessons.

We dashed home long enough to put together another dish for the next party and then headed to my in~laws for dinner. The kids had one final Easter egg hunt and did baskets from grandpa and grandma. We ate again and got home way too late for a school nite.

Soooo this week, the craziness continues. Yesterday I was busy all day putting away the over abundance of Easter goodies, generally enjoying my day off. I have to work (ugh) tonite, tomorrow, a track meet in Pittsford. Friday nite Tom and I are heading to Ann Arbor to celebrate a best friend's 30th birthday with our other best friends from high school (best part of the week). We're actually getting a real babysitter and I'm contemplating outfits for this special occasion, hee, hee:) Saturday, I'm back in Pittsford for an all day invite. With only 6 girls competing I'll have plenty of time to get my tan on and hopefully finish "Eclipse". (BTW, I read both Twilight and New Moon in 4 days and then went thru a serious depression/withdrawal because I didn't have book #3. I was nearly giddy when my SIL said she had just finished Eclipse and I could take if I wanted it. If I wanted it?... like I wouldn't;) Which reminds me... I have a book I could be reading. Hmm, maybe I can sneak in a chapter while the girls are busy.

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