
Happy Anniversary To Me!!!

I recently celebrated my 1 year anniversary at groceries-r-us (yeah, yay me!;P) Anyways, in honor of this blessed event I thought I'd list the top 5 best and worst things about the place. Here we go.

Top 5 Worst Things:

  1. Rhymes with "witchy" starts with a "b" co-workers, particularly the ladies on 3rd shift. Seriously, didn't your mama teach you how to make eye contact and smile at someone?
  2. Unheated bathrooms, really when I'm already freezing why would I want to expose my bare bum to the elements?
  3. Customers who poke their fingers thru ripe fruit and then ask for it to be reduced.
  4. Parents who don't strap their babies/toddlers in the cart and then walk away to grab something while baby is squirming/climbing. Hello people, if your child falls head first onto the tile floor, it's not gonna be pretty. For the sake of my heart, buckle them in!!!
  5. Corporate gifts: for my birthday I received a coupon for a free scoop of ice cream, my 1 year anniversary, a free cup of coffee or pop. For Christmas, a whole week to buy store brand products at a whopping 10% off. So let me get this straight... I spend my money in your store and you'll give me 10% percent off for helping boost the company's bottom line? Merry Christmas to me you!

I'm generally a positive person so let's end on a positive note, shall we? Top 5 best things:

  1. Though it may be little, a weekly paycheck. Something over 10% of Jackson doesn't have right now.
  2. The opportunity to grocery shop kid-free without making an extra trip to the grocery store.
  3. My boss who has continuously worked around my coaching schedules and family life.
  4. Working 3rd shift so I have more family nites at home.
  5. My co-worker Amy, she's been like a second mother to me. And just like a mother, she's a little too protective...

1 comment:

*lindsey* said...

if it makes you feel any better, I just had my 1 year at the day care and all I got was an "upgraded" spankin new flattering red polo. they are SO attractive :) Dont get me started on my list for that place haha

ps. Im back in the blogging world, do you believe it!? =)