
Of Course The President Would Have To Be Involved

After 2 attempts to fly out of Charleston, Tom was finally successful early this morning. The third time was a charm. He was scheduled for what was supposed to be a short layover in Philadelphia (again, the key word being supposed). He got to his terminal and waited to board. And waited. And waited. Finally the airline made an announcement that all flights were being delayed due to the President's incoming flight on Air Force One. Go figure. My husband has been trying to get home for a full 28 hours and now the President decides to come into town!?! Can you tell I'm getting a little impatient? So, Tom's plane FINALLY gets on the runway and then the pilot announces that there are some 40 other planes also waiting for clearance to takeoff. (Just 1 more thing to be mad at George Bush for, he adds;). More waiting... grrr!!! But timing~wise everything worked out perfectly as Tom called to let us know he was getting off his plane as the airport was coming into view for me and the kids. I pulled up to the curb and Tom came out less than 5 minutes later with ALL of his luggage! I had a great week with the kids and it sounds like Tom had a fun time away from reality. So I've gotta ask... when is my vacation?

1 comment:

Leslie Collins said...

Oh,no. It sounds like he had some real issues getting home. I think it is your turn to plan a vacay now. :)