
Starting Young

I headed to the school today to turn in all of my cheerleaders' uniforms and some end-of-the-season paperwork. Most of my cheerleaders had given me their uniforms at the Christmas party we had and they sat under my tree until Christmas Eve morning. As I was folding them to put away I tried to get Lexi to "try" one on as she was quite impressed by everything cheerleading this year. She got shy and didn't want to so crazy ol' mom put one on. By this time, Austin had wandered over to see what was going on because I was jumping around cheering and pretty much making a complete idiot out of myself. Anyways, I did a high kick and Austin exclaimed, "you need a lolly on!"

Huh?!? Say what!?! (for those of you unfamiliar to cheerleading lingo, a lolly is the spandex "underwear" cheerleaders wear over their underwear). I just about peed my pants skirt I laughed so hard. Tom, on the other hand, was a little concerned that his kindergarten son knows so much about what's going on under the cheerleaders' skirts.

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