
Keeping Christ in CHRISTmas

Whew!!! That last post was a little too deep and negative and now my head is hurting. So now on for something a lot more positive, let's lighten the mood around here in Hosmerville! I love Christmas, I love everything about it! the lights. the music. the decorations. the shopping. the presents. the get-togethers with family and friends. the traditions. the church services. the Christmas story. Being so "type A' (translation- an anal perfectionist), I really try, and really enjoy, having all of the elements of the Christmas season "perfect". Now that I have kids the pressure's really on to create storybook memories for them hold dear and cherish forever- yikes!=) But the older I get, and I would like to say more mature and wiser;), the more I'm really understanding the importance of keeping the focus of Christmas on the One whose birth we are celebrating.
I came across this article in the Focus on the Family insert that we get in our church bulletin. I won't take the time to type out the whole article, but the following bits and pieces really hit home in my attempt to refocus our Christmas spirit.
"We had the stuff but not the Savior; we had the tree but not the manger; we had the lights but not the star. We had Christmas without Christ. And although we always had many presents and full stockings, the holiday was empty. His presence was missing.
This season isn't about extraordinary gifts but about celebrating Christ's birth. It's not about exhausted nights or expensive parties but about His extravagant love. It's not about rushing around but about resting in Him. With this focus, I can celebrate the greatest gift of all time, Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God."- Rachael Carman
I want to instill these truths in my children's hearts while they are young. I want them to enjoy all of the fun of Christmas- Santa, presents, decorations. I want them to get caught up in the excitement of the season. I want them to experience all of the magic Christmas brings. But when the last gift is unwrapped and the last ornament is packed away, I want them to delight in the most wonderful gift of all time- the precious baby Jesus born 2000 years ago for me, for my family, for you, for your family, and for everyone else who accepts this priceless gift. My heart's desire this Christmas is to truly keep the focus on Christ, on His birth, and on His love for us.
How do you keep Christ in Christmas?

1 comment:

Zoe said...

we celebrate advent. we count down daily and each advent sunday we light candles and read bible stories. we alos try to do something special on those sundays for our family, our friends, our community and our church.