
They're In The Mail

Call me a slacker. I've only had my Christmas cards for over a month now, ordered them waaaay back in Septmeber from Nicole. Anyways, the design I picked had a snowflake on it so I thought it would be cute if I added a sparkly rhinestone to the very middle of each one. Yeah, like that didn't take awhile. I forced my butt to address them all a week ago and then couldn't bring myself to take all 3 kids into an overcrowded post office just for stamps. So they've been chillin' all week on the counter. I managed to pick up some stamps at Meijer today and I dropped them into the mailbox tonite after work.
I feel a little guilty as I didn't even write on them this year. I attempted to write out everyone's names on the first few with my silver metallic paint marker, but they looked sloppy that way. What's your opinion? Do you just enjoy getting cards and looking at the pictures enclosed (like me!) or do you feel it's not personal enough if the sender doesn't write a few words? I always worry that people feel I'm being a little impersonal because I don't enclose a note in each.
Oh, and for a truly real and hilarious Christmas letter, check out Zoe's blog. I laughed so hard, I had to read it again to make sure I hadn't missed anything the first time. I love, love, love getting Christmas cards in the mail! Thanks to all who have remembered our family this Christmas!


Nicole said...

I don't personalize mine, and I don't mind at all when I just get a pre-printed card in the mail. Its the thought that counts, right? LOL! I just print out labels and slap those babies on HAHA!

Anonymous said...

Maria, I love getting all sorts of cards. I always like getting family picture ones so you can see how much the kids have grown. I don't think that they are impersonal. Don't worry about it. See you next week sometime. Hint. Hint. :) Want to come here??!!! :)

Me said...

I usually do write at least names and happy holidays or whatever. I don't get offended when people don't in mine, though, because I'm half thinking of doing it that way next year. My sissy gets so lazy as to do labels...lol. Now she has the right idea :)

Zoe said...

i love x mas cards. i don't care if they are personalized or not. i didn't personalize ours...who has time? glad you liked the letter...it was not sent out :)