
Baby, It's Cold Outside

I came out of work tonite to find icy snow all over my car~ ugh! It was the first official snow of the season and I'm so not ready for the white stuff. If I could somehow convince Tom for my space back in the garage so I won't have to scrape every morning, the prospect of the upcoming winter might not be so bad. Alas, this is a losing argument so I may have to add an automatic car starter to my Christmas wish list. Perhaps my BIL could gift me with this since it's HIS car in MY space;) How do you deal with the winter weather: a dry spot in the garage, a car starter, a super swell husband who scrapes for you...? Any other suggestions?


Ryan said...

I've always just layered up really well in the past, but this year I have a car starter. Can't wait...

Me said...

I want a car starter :( I'm not ready for winter!!!