
Help A Blogger Out

Somehow, I've gone and messed things up. It used to be that if I received a comment on a post, blogger would automatically email me a notification. And Leslie just clued me in that I can actually respond to the comments just by hitting reply in my email. Duh!=P Uh, I'm a little slow, ok? Anyways, as far as I know I haven't changed my settings or done anything different yet I don't get the emails anymore. Anybody else have this problem? Anybody have a solution?

1 comment:

Leslie Collins said...

I don't know, but sometimes computers just change settings on their own. When you are on your blogger dashboard, check out your settings then hit e-mail. All the way to the bottom, it will say comment verification e-mail and it should have your address in there. If it's not there, type it and hit save changes. hopefully this works. :)