
Just Call Me Miss Suzy Q. Homemaker

So I know that my main "official" title is SAHM, but can I just say that today I totally rocked it!?! Let's start with the house, shall we? You can only imagine the condition it was in after I worked 2 eight hour shifts this weekend. Living room- cleaned and vacuumed! Kitchen and dining room- cleaned, dishwasher loaded and unloaded... twice! Austin chauffeured to and from school... on time;) 2 loads of laundry folded and put away, 2 more washed and dried. 3 loaves of pumpkin coconut bread baked. 2 homemade chicken pot pies made (with 1 stashed in the freezer for a later dinner). Thanksgiving plans finalized. 3 kids bathed and in bed. Happy Monday, all!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Holy moly, woman! Want to come to my house and work??