
Better Late Than Never

So I took these pics awhile back for Nicole because she had requested feedback from clients as to how they displayed their portraits (that she had taken) in their homes. Then I never got around to sending them to her. This may surprise some of you, as I have this fantastic blog, and all, (ha ha;) but I'm just not that computer savvy, so I can't figure out how to just email her my pics, but I do know how to post on my blog;) so you all get to enjoy my little house tour. I absolutely love Nicole's work. Someday when I'm rich I'll hire her to follow my family around and document our everyday adventures. Then I'll have gorgeous pics to scrapbook and display all the time. Hey, a woman can dream, can't she?=)

Our bedroom

the living room (on the verrry long wall):

the console table, right inside the front door:


jane said...

I have seen pictures of Audrey on Nicole's websight. She belongs to you! She is the most gorgeous little girl.

Nicole said...

Love it!! Thanks :)