
Blah, Blah, Blog

It seems as if the whole blogging once a day in November has ruined me. I was doing really well and then had to miss a few days because we were so busy around Hosmerville and after that I lost complete motivation to post anything. I've tried several times and each time the words escape me and I trash the attempt. But good or bad, I'm publishing this post!
So what have we been up to around here? One word~ Christmas!!! Each year the kids and I go on our traditional turkey hunt the day after Thanksgiving and gather up all of the fall decorations. Once everything is taken care of then Christmas gets to come up out of the basement. Things were a little tricky this year as I was scheduled to work the day after Thanksgiving and the rest of the weekend. Knowing I only had the morning, we were able to get an early start and get all of Thanksgiving taken care of before 9am. I brought all of the Christmas tubs into the dining room where I made the kids repeat my mantra as they unpacked~ "if it's wrapped, it's breakable!" They did an amazing job unpacking the tubs and starting to decorate while I tried to control the the mess and get ready for work. Because I worked the whole weekend, the kitchen and dining room basically looked like Christmas had exploded but by Monday we had pretty much managed to get everything decorated. The snowman on my front porch is still sharing space with half rotten pumpkins and gourds but eventually I'll get outside long enough to clean up the yard, too.
We're big into traditions around here in Hosmerville but instead of making this an overly huge post, I'll try to touch on them in the next few days or so. Other than doing everything Christmas, we've been busy fighting a nasty cold/flu bug the last week or so. Austin's home from school for the second day in a row recuperating on the couch. As I tucked him into bed last nite and told him I was sorry he wasn't feeling well, he angrily declared it was Audrey's fault because she had given him her germs. *sigh* These kids really do love each other, right?

1 comment:

Me said...

Yah, I don't blog worth a crap anymore. I just posted today for the first time in a month. But we've been pretty dang busy ourselves. Craziness, I tell ya!