
Going Postal On UPS

Yesterday the big brown truck delivered not one, but 2 big packages to our door. The only problem is... they're not our packages. So sure, our house numbers may be a little obscure (they're only each 4 in. big) but how could the driver miss our address on our mailbox?! Since I spent the day unshowered and in pj's, I asked Tom to run the boxes to (supposedly) the next door over when he got home from work. Ten minutes later he returns with boxes in hand. "Uhh," he says, "there's no 4162. I drove all over the neighborhood just in case and there is no 4162." So he gets on google earth and *ta~da*! it shows us as 4162 (we are, by the way, 4154). We decide that I'll try to call UPS the next day and have a driver come back and pick them up.

Flash forward to today. I call UPS and get an automated system (gotta love 'em.) But you don't punch a number in, no, this one's fancy~schmancy and it's voice activated, so the "lady" gives me a bunch of choices to speak and of course, "dumb~ass driver delivered package to wrong house because address on box is non~existent" is not a choice. So I speak ve-ry clear-ly "I want to speak to someone." By default the system actually connects me to someone. Except that someone is apparently the only someone who is working at UPS 2 days before Christmas and has decided to not answer the phone. So it rings, and rings, and rings.... I call back and go through the whole system again only to hear that crazy busy signal when you can't get through. Someone somewhere is waiting for Christmas to arrive and I have their 2 packages sitting by my front door. Can my friend in brown help me out?

1 comment:

Leslie Collins said...

I hope that the packages can get delivered before Christmas.

I hope you are all still feeling well. Have a wonderful Christmas and we will see you next week. :)