
I Am So Screwed

As I mentioned yesterday, my track girls came over for practice and a movie. I wasn't able to get to the video store for an inspirational movie (Chariots of Fire, perhaps?) so we resorted to seeing what we could rent off the dish. They were leaning towards watching Twilight. I wasn't so sure. I double and triple checked to make sure it was okay for them to watch such trash as the last thing I needed to deal with was irate phone calls from parents later in the evening. I finally, hesitantly, relented then retreated to the safety of my bedroom with my kids to watch something more kid (and mommy friendly).
My SIL had passed on the first 2 books in the series to me several months ago and I have successfully put off reading them because:
a~ once I start a book, I canNOT put it down till it's done. The kids get neglected, the house gets neglected, I forget I have a husband...
b~ because I'm a scaredy cat kinda girl. The books seemed to be kind of dark and even knowing that they were a love story, I just couldn't get past the whole vampire thing.
So yesterday, I'd catch glimpses of the movie every now and then when I was checking in on the girls but it still didn't seem very appealing to me. But the movie was an all day ticket and I found myself mentioning to Tom that maybe we should watch it after the kids were in bed to get our monies worth. And surprisingly, he agreed to watch it with me.
So there I was at 9:30 at nite (in the dark) watching a movie about vampires. Good thing I had my big strong husband there to keep me safe;) Oh my word, I am totally sucked in to the whole thing now! The way the movie ended... there's got to be a sequel coming, right!?! Like I said, I have the first 2 books (I'm told there's 4 total) waiting to be read, but now that I've seen the movie do I need to read the first book or can I just save myself some time and skip ahead to the second? Anybody read the books and see the movie? Do I need to still read the first book to get the full experience? I can see this building into a Harry Potteresque obsession (and I did manage to stay out of that one, because like vampires, HP is just not my thing).
Tom just called to check in on Hosmerville and I filled him in on the end of the movie. He claimed he had to go to bed so he could get up in the morning but I think he was just scared;) Can you believe he left me alone to finish watching a movie about vampires just when it was getting super intense!?! Anyways, thoughts, suggestions, insights? They're all welcome. Did the vampires suck you in, too?


Leslie Collins said...

I have not read any of the series. Maybe I should give them a try.

MacKenzie said...

Ok, if you get sucked into books like I do..and it sounds like you...your house will be a disaster until you finish the whole 4 book series. You MUST read them NOW. Stephanie Meyer is a FABULOUS author. None of the books had any dry areas and the last one is super long. I haven't seen the movie, but the books have an ending that doesn't leave you hanging but it could have a second series built off of Edward and Bellas life together.