
Spring Breakin'

This is the week I've been looking forward to since, oh.... Christmas vacation ended. I love having Austin home and I love being able to just relax and take life easy. This week is going to be all about catch~up though, with a little fun thrown in for Austin's first spring break. So here's the plan:
I have 2 formal track practices scheduled for the week, one for today at my house (I'm sending the girls on a trail run and then they're having snacks and watching Twilight) and one for Wednesday at Cascades (a good hill workout;) plus my kids can enjoy the playground. Hopefully it'll be a nice day.
I've also promised the kids a trip to the library for some new reading material. They love to ride the elevator and the playroom is nice now that they've redone things and added some new learning materials.
Friday is our official "spring break vacation". I'm taking the kids to the Chelsea Treehouse for a day o' fun. We're meeting up with my favorite girlies and their babes. If my babes are having a stellar day I'm thinking of making a quick stop at the Chelsea scrapbooking store to spend a gift card I've had for awhile.
The schedule got screwed up at work and I'm supposed to work Friday evening (something I haven't done since August). My boss has left the decision up to me. We can always use the extra money but the first 3 hours would go toward paying my sitter until Tom got home. So I'm trying to decide whether it would actually be worth the time to go in.
I want to go through the kids' rooms and spring clean. And then there's the dining room "closet" (i.e. shelving system that is overcrowded with games, puzzles, DVD's, dishes, dry foods, paper products, some of my teaching materials, Tom's crap, etc., etc.) that has gotten completely out of hand. This could be an all day project made more stressful because the kids will want to be right in the middle of it all. Hmm, maybe we'll just close the curtains and ignore the mess for a little while longer.
So that's our upcoming week in a nutshell. I'm hoping next year's spring break includes plans for some place tropical. Sunny weather, sandy beaches, and pina coladas. I'll just keep dreaming...

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