
Complete Randomness

  • Tom and I enjoyed dinner at the Beach Bar Friday nite to celebrate his new job. Everything was great except the little bags of kettle chips. We just don't get why they serve these instead of fries.
  • All 3 kids went to the dentist yesterday. All 3 kids had great check~ups. My youngest drama queen wasn't exactly thrilled that Dr. Pink wanted to count her teeth. Let's hope she learns how to relax a little before their next appointment in September. (Maybe a little valium in her sippy cup?)
  • Tom's halfway thru his first week at Hubbard's. He's completely overwhelmed and stressed out, but in a good way. Every new job takes time to adjust and get in a groove. I keep telling him to give it a couple of weeks (or maybe months.)
  • Has anyone else been completely amazed at the unbelievable number of dead skunks along the road, or is it just me? Maybe it's a sign of spring to come.
  • I was late to work on Sunday (again). We get a 1 minute grace period to punch in and I didn't get in until *gasp* 2 after the other day. Heaven forbid I had to stop and get gas because my husband left me on "E" and I couldn't even go the speed limit because I was in the Cutty. So last nite I got my formal notice and little reprimand. The good news is if I'm not late again for 2 months my incident gets erased from my record. Gee, I hope I can be good. (This was typed with loads of sarcasm.)
  • I'm slowly gearing up for track season starting next week. I have my babysitter lined up but that's about it at this point. If the weather doesn't start getting warmer, I'm going to be doing alot of coaching from the inside of the school.
  • We have no sound on our laptop now. Our speakers went out last October and we've been using earbuds since then. Now the earbuds don't work either. We can't turn the volume up on the computer and anything that has sound (playlists, videos, etc.) won't even start. Anybody else ever had this problem? Anyone have a quick fix?
  • I'm looking forward to a girls' nite out tomorrow with my chickas from high school. These girls are the best! Just coffee and dessert for me though because I have to leave from there to go to work. Hmm, I wonder if I'd get written up if I came in slightly buzzed. (At least it would make the nite more fun=)
  • Tom's shop has Saturday hours and I'm working all weekend long. Now the juggling act with the kids begins. This could get interesting.
  • Tom and I shared our first kiss 15 years ago today under a bean bag during a party at our friend Angie's house. "Can I kiss you?" he asked. "I don't care," I said. I don't care!?! That was the best I could come up with!? Maybe I was playing hard to get but holy freak I was nervous! I guess I did okay because he came back for 2 more quick pecks.
  • I think that's enough rambling for now. Happy hump day!

1 comment:

Leslie Collins said...

girls nights out are always something to look forward to

is tomorrow still okay for reyna? 12?