
My Weekend Rocked! Here's Why:

  • the sunshine! Need I say more?
  • celebrating Audrey's birthday with the Hosmer fam.
  • cheering on Austin at his first b~ball game. He had several assists, shot 12/13 from the field and even had a steal (for which the whistle was blown; apparently you can't steal at the Y).
  • having a prayer, 6 months in the making, semi~answered.
  • taking a (baby) step in the right direction.
  • receiving some great advice and a new perspective/insight from my boss.
  • getting out of work early Sunday nite. (Rushing home to a sick child... not so great.)

The biggest disappointment of the weekend? The Target ad. Seriously, is anyone else bummed out? I think that it's the most bunk piece of advertising I have ever seen Target put out. Nothing great to look at. Nothing super cool to get excited about. I'm only ranting because every Sunday I pull the ad out of the paper before leaving for work. I work for hours with the anticipation of what's in the ad for the week and then on my first break I read it like it's the Bible. Yeah, I was slightly bummed yesterday.


Leslie Collins said...

Who was sick?

We are loving this weather, too. I was a little bummed about the Target ad, too. It was better last week when we had no extra spending $. hahah. :)

Anonymous said...

micah told me about the excitement at Austin's game! That's so awesome =) Hope Audrey has a great birthday tomorrow, and wish I could make it! enjoy the sunshine :)