
My Top 10 Favorite and Best Things About Spring

  1. The promise of warmer weather. There is such a great feeling of hope when you step outside and smell spring and all of its freshness.
  2. Spring ahead time change~ yay, it doesn't get dark till later!
  3. Not having to waste gas to pre~warm the van every morning
  4. Shamrock milkshakes from McD's
  5. Not having to stuff kids into cold weather gear and then wrestle their car seat straps around their plump little bodies
  6. The start of track season and all of the memories it brings back
  7. Spring flowers~ their colors and fragrance, what's not to love?
  8. Tax refunds (too bad they're already spent)
  9. Easter Sunday
  10. My birthday (which incidentally fell on Easter Sunday waaay back when I turned 3~ or was it 4?)

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