
2 Laughs At My Expense

Wow!!! What a day! It started well enough. Lexi was up first and I got to snuggle with her on the couch for a good half hour before Austin and Audrey made their appearances. Lexi is a total ham and she eats up one-on-one attention, so she was lovin' her morning.

Last Friday morning, the kids and I went on a turkey hunt through the house to gather all of the Thanksgiving decorations together. They were somewhat motivated because I had already told them that we couldn't get out Christmas until Thanksgiving was taken care of. We actually had 2 ginormous tubs of turkey stuff packed up by 11am. Sometimes we aren't even comatose by then so this small task was nothing short of a huge accomplishment. Then the real fun began. That was Friday, this is Monday and we are still putting out Christmas.

So back to this morning, the kids were at the table putting together a candy cane tree and I was gearing up to open all of the boxes of living room decorations. I took the corner from the kitchen to the living room a little too short and bashed my baby toe into the wall trim. Oooooo!!! The pain was enough to almost take me to my knees. So here I am hopping around like a wild banshee pounding on the counter top and doing my best to contain the four letter words that so desperately want to escape my mouth, when I notice the kids. I completely freaked Austin out and he went running from the room in tears. Lexi just stared at me like what the heck is your deal and Audrey just wanted to suck on some ice from the ice bag I was applying to my rapidly swelling toe. I swear I broke it. I had to wear my ratty tennis shoes to the game tonite because I didn't even want to consider heels or boots. So that's laugh #1.

Laugh #2- Later in the afternoon Lexi was down for her nap and Austin and Audrey were on the couch for some quiet time watching Curious George. I was still decorating the living room (I had banned the kids from touching anything else as Audrey had just broke my musical Nativity snow globe- soaking and glittering herself, the coffee table, and the carpet.) I was in the process of rehanging some pictures on the wall and I needed to see how the collage looked from a better angle. I stepped off the chair and leaned back against the couch to get a better view... except I had moved the couch 2 feet forward last week. From the kids' perspective on the other couch, mommy simply disappeared with a loud crash. My perspective, however, was a lot worse. I literally fell straight backwards and cracked my head on a small side table. The 5 lb. glass and metal picture frame tumbled off the table and barely missed my head (so it could have been alot worse). I heard Austin gasp "mommy!" and he came running over with Audrey. They found me lying in a fetal position hysterically laughing/sobbing (because I didn't know whether to laugh or cry and really, it must, have looked hilarious.) Austin gave me a kiss on my back and Audrey kissed my noggin' and I stumbled off to the kitchen for my second ice pack of the day.
Guess what? We still aren't finished with the decorations. Tomorrow, I'll suit up in full body armor.


Nicole said...

OMG you crack me up!!!

Julie said...

Geeez Maria!!! It sounds like you do need to wear full body armor! LOL. You are hilarious.

*lindsey* said...

oh my gosh, be careful! =)

Zoe said...


Anonymous said...

You're HILARIOUS!!! I would've been laughing at you if I was there! Hee hee! Oh, and for someone who was so nervous about starting their own blog...well done, you're AWESOME!