

The kids and I venture into Target at least once a week to spend money we don't have on things we don't need. Every time we step foot inside those doors we cannot leave without checking to see if there are any new cars from the movie Cars. It's become an obsession, really. These 3 inch beauties are quite the hot commodity here in Hosmerville. With Christmas fast approaching, Tom and I have already been planning on picking up a few for stocking stuffers. Usually Target stocks about 10 Boost, and a few Filmore, Lizzy, Snot Rod, Wingo, and the original Lightning McQueen. And nothing else. Timing is everything and today we timed it perfectly.

As we came up to the display, there before my very eyes was the ever-so-elusive Dirt Track Lightning McQueen. I swear to you that the heavens above opened to shine glorious light on the display and as I approached with outstretched hand, I heard the Hallelujah chorus. Score! And then, no it couldn't be... yes, it was! Bug Mouth Lightning McQueen! Double score! I ever so casually slipped them aside and waited for an opportune moment to stash them in my cart. Austin however, was watching everything that went into the cart and as I stood there waiting for him to distract himself, I silently prayed no other glassy-eyed mother would sneak up from behind to steal the cars away from me. I know, I need help. While waiting, I also found the Yeti and Cruisin' Ramone. Quadruple score! Finally, I was able to stash them under Audrey's coat just as a stock boy happened to walk by and see me acting suspiciously casual. Nice.

I finally made it to the checkout but then I had to sneak them back out of the cart to the cashier. By then Austin was dangerously close to discovering Santa shops at Target. I managed to clue the cashier in on what was going on and she got him distracted by having him check out the security mirror while she triple bagged the loot for me. All-in-all, a very sucssessful shopping trip but maybe next time I'll leave the kids at home.


Nicole said...

I love it. You crack me up! We haven't gotten into the Cars cars too much... Porter has McQueen (the "new paint job" one... I don't know the names yet LOL!) and Sally. That's it. And they're super banged up. However, he is crazy about any type of car he can get his hands on. I bet he'd love the other Cars ones (Lukas has them and he plays with them there).

Luckily, Porter doesn't "get" Santa yet so he happily plays with his Christmas toys in the cart HAHA! Next year we'll have to be more careful I suppose.

Julie said...

Maria, I think you were meant to do this whole blog thing. I laughed outloud as I read your little Target story. You are hilarious! I'm glad everything worked out for you!! :)

Anonymous said...

Too funny. Julie took the words right out of my mouth. :)

*lindsey* said...

your blogs are cracking me up, Maria! =)