
A Mastercard Moment

I took a quick trip to Sam's Club the other day with my mom and the kids in tow. I dropped over $100 on 4 things. Four. Frickin'. Things. So here's the lowdown:
  1. Tide laundry soap (for the whole fam): $28
  2. Huggies size 3 diapers (for Lexi): $35
  3. Huggies wipes (again, for Lexi): $15
  4. Huggies pull-ups (for Audrey at nite): $25

Not having to make lunch for kids because we hit up all the food samples: priceless

By the way, everything was really tasty (green bean casserole, Starbucks Frappucino, holiday cookies, ham & cream cheese pinwheels, quiche, pumpkin pie, beef & cheese chimichangas) but my most favorite sample of the day was the pumpkin spice cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory- yummy! I'll be serving that for Thanksgiving dessert=)


Julie said...

Isn't it crazy how fast the money flies out your wallet when you're at Sam's! I don't think we've ever made it out of there without spending at least $100!! It's crazy! I also love it when we happen to be there when they're handing out food samples. They have the best food!

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

Gotta love Sam's, but gotta hate it too!! Always hurts to spend that much money for bulk items, but you have to remember it saves you in the end!! :)