
A Typical Fall Saturday

I started my day off scrubbing floors and cleaning toilets. Let me tell you, the weekend can't get much better than that. Usually I'm able to get the store cleaned Friday night, (which gives me the whole weekend to be with the fam) but last night I got a late start and finally gave up around 10pm. So there I was bright and early this morning frantically trying to finish up before everyone arrived at 8 am to undo what I had just done. Somehow I under-estimated the time I had left and I had to leave for cheerleading practice before I got the last office area done. *sigh* I guess I'll have to go back tomorrow for third.day.in.a.row to finally finish.

Then I was off to cheerleading practice. I was especially perky from my Pine Sol high and a fresh cup of coffee from the McCafe, which made spending my Saturday morning with 13 middle school cheerleaders that much more bearable.

I headed home after practice to round up the gang for a cousin's first birthday party. I was hoping to make a quick stop at Target on the way to the party for a gift bag and some goodies for the Operation Christmas Child boxes we're putting together for church tomorrow. I know you all are waiting with baited breath so I won't keep you in suspense any longer. Three words... Guido and Luigi. I was so short on time I didn't even care if Austin saw them. I tossed them in the cart and figured I could come up with some lame excuse if I needed to later. From Target to Horton, and traveling at no more than 80mph at any given time, it was exactly 15 minutes and we arrived at the party only 10 minutes late.
Audrey had fallen asleep 13 minutes into the ride and spent the last 2 minutes wetting through her underwear, party jeans, and car seat. By the time I scrounged the van to find a pair of dirty sweats to change Audrey into and put Lexi's socks and shoes back on, we were a mere 15 minutes late. The kids enjoyed their lunch of cake and punch and we were home an hour and a half later.

My father-in-law had spent the afternoon at our house helping my husband do some yard work so we ordered in pizza for dinner. Like clockwork, both Austin and Audrey excused themselves for their mid-dinner dump. Pack it in, push it out. For being so little, they are champion poopers, both in length of time it takes them to complete the dirty duty and length of.... well, you know. Several minutes later, Audrey reappeared announcing she "had blood" (Audrey speak for "I'm bleeding") and looking like this:
Apparently my little beauty queen had found Tom's razor and decided that the hair on her upper lip was much too thick for her liking.

Hope your day was as fun-filled as mine!


Julie said...

My goodness, your life is busy! I really don't know how you do it, but I sure admire you for it! Hopefully you can have more of a relaxing day tomorrow, but something makes me think you don't even know what that means. :) Maybe I'll just say good luck!

Me said...

Ouch! A razor to the upper lip? Yikes! Glad she didn't do more damage, that's for sure!

And, dang, you are one busy lady! Hope tomorrow's a little less crazy for ya.

Nicole said...

Her poor lip! Ouch! I just cut my finger on a razor. I can't imagine my LIP!

Zoe said...

peyton did that one time to his forehead...the day he was to have pictures taken. i always knew those dirty socks that were left in the car would come in handy one day!